
Our lab conducts work in multiple areas of population and community ecology. Many projects in the lab are focused on issues in conservation biology, but we are also interested in life history theory, population dynamics, and the role of spatial structure and community interactions in shaping ecological dynamics.

Most importantly, the members of the lab focus on different questions, taxonomic groups, and ecoystems, most of them not directly linked to Dan's own study systems. Past students have worked on topics as diverse as the disturbance ecology of riparian plants, raptor-rodent interactions, honey bee-bumble bee competition, parasitic plant ecology, exotic tree diseases, and life histories of ancient trees. All members of the lab tend to pursue side-projects in addition to their dissertation work.

Dan moved to the Environmental Studies program at CU Boulder in 2012, which is where the lab now resides. However, we have lab members not only here, but also through EBIO at CU (Chris Steenbock) and also in the University of Wyoming Program in Ecology (Reilly Dibner and Doug Keinath).

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